Susie Ruff


Susie A. Ruff is the founder of RUFF & CO. where she brings health tech to the market. She has vast experience as a business development and innovation lead. She is a EIT Health Mentor. Susie has held positions such as Head of Healthcare Innovation Centre, Head of Design Promotion & Innovation and Design, Head of trade Department and Regional Export Sales and Marketing Manager.  She has worked in both public organizations and private corporations such as the Danish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, The Capital Region of Denmark, Danish Design Centre, Wodschow & Co. and Rockwool A/S. 

Susie holds a M.Sc. in International Business Administration from Copenhagen Business School and has studied and worked in several countries, among others the USA, Spain, France, Argentina and Thailand. Susie is also a part time external lecturer at the 2-year full-time M.Sc. in Innovation in Healthcare at the Copenhagen Business School.   

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