Jose Antonio Martin

Senior Advisor eHealth
Grupo Masmovil

Healthcare Consultant and Advisor with expertise in digital health / telemedicine and in creating innovative models for healthcare delivery. Medical doctor (Allergy & Immunology) with clinical experience and MBA (Kellogg). Seasoned healthcare executive and entrepreneur, with a 360º and international experience in healthcare companies, McKinsey & Company, Telefonica, Bima, Grupo Masmovil and the Spanish Ministry of Health (executive advisor to the minister).

Founder and CEO of startup Miniclinic. Mentor and coach for digital healh startups at EIT Health and advisor for healthcare VC firms. Author of the book "Healthcare’s digital opportunity" (2016).

Becario de la Fundación Ramon Areces . Profesor en el programa de dirección Innovación en el sector salud en IE University. Autor del libro "Mis orejas de perro -la belleza como antídoto-" (2021)