Luke Incorvaja

Strategy Officer
European Institute of Innovation and Technology

Luke is European Institute of Innovation and Technology(EIT),Strategy Officer responsible for theimplementation of theRegional Innovation Scheme(RIS), akey EIT instrument which aims atadvancingthe innovation performance of those countries in Europe, classified asmoderate or modest innovators intheEuropean Innovation Scoreboard. Before joining the EIT in 2017,Lukespent over ten years working on European Union (EU) affairs within the CivilServiceof Malta. Initially hewasengaged atthe EUSecretariat ofthe Office of the Prime Minister, the MalteseGovernment body responsible for the overall internal coordination on all EU-related matters. He was subsequently posted to the Permanent Representation of Malta to the EU in 2011as Research, Innovation and Space Counsellor, where he represented Malta inkeylegislativenegotiations, including those onthe Horizon 2020 and Innovation Investmentpackages. In2015, hewas assigned to the position of Head of the COREPER I Secretariatand European SemesterCoordinator, in preparation forand implementation ofthe Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU,in thefirst half 2017. During the Maltese PresidencyLuke also chaired the Council Working Party on Space Questions,which reacheda breakthrough agreement on a Space Strategy for Europe. Luke holdsacademic degrees in European Studies and International relations.