Michal Gorzynski

Head of Section Impact

Michal Gorzynski joined the EIT in 2012 where now he serves as a Head of Section Impact. Before he worked at the EU Delegation to Ukraine and Belarus responsible for collaboration activities/ programmes in area of private sector development and innovations. Until 2009 Michal worked for CASE – Centre for Social and Economic Research as an economist and consultant and from 2000 also as a deputy head of CASE-Advisors Ltd. His area of expertise included SME development, privatisation, innovation and industrial policy. At that time he implemented, acting as a coordinator, over 70 international development or advisory projects financed by the World Bank, UN, the European Commission, USAID in Poland, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, North Macedonia, Romania. He also worked one year for Foundation Pro Democratia in Bucharest. He is author or co-author of almost 50 reports and research publications. Michal graduated Warsaw School of Economics and Joint Vienna Institute.