Cristina Bescós

Managing Director | EIT Health Spain

Ph.D. in telecom/biomedical engineer. Since 2019 CEO of EIT Health Spain and board member of EIT Health, the network of more than 150 top-notch partners covering the complete value chain of health and care innovation. Previously at the European Space Agency, Hewlett Packard, Telefonica R+D, and Philips, where she managed the European programs in Telehealth and Value-Based Healthcare and developed an extensive career in research, digital health, and healthcare transformation.

Cristina has held representation positions at the European level in industrial organizations, standardization committees, expert forums, and innovation programs in ehealth, telemedicine, and management of chronic patients like COCIR, CEN, ITU, and European Innovation Partnership in active and healthy aging.

Combining experience in public research and the private sector in Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, and Spain, Cristina is currently located between Madrid and Barcelona. Mother of three half-German children, including a two-for-one package deal. She has recently been elected as one of the 100 women leaders in Spain (lastop100).