Amelia Martín Uranga

Head of the Spanish Innovative Medicines Platform | Farmaindustria

Doctor in Law, Amelia has been the Head of the Spanish Innovative Medicines Platform at Farmaindustria for more than 15 years, an initiative under which public-private cooperation programs are developed to promote biomedical research in Spain, such as the BEST project of excellence in clinical research and the Farma-Biotech cooperation project. She is also the coordinator of Farmaindustria's Working Groups for Clinical Research and Pharma-Biotech Cooperation.

In addition, she is a member of the Data Protection Working Group of EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations) and has also participated in IMI projects of public-private collaboration in the field of big data. Amelia is also the representative of Farmaindustria in the CEOE R&D Committee.

Recently, she has been appointed a member of the Platform Advisory Committee of the Spanish State Research Agency. For more than 20 years, Amelia has been a regular speaker at numerous national and international Congresses, Seminars, and Conferences. She has written several publications on topics related to biotechnology and law, and she also teaches in different postgraduate courses at Spanish universities.