EIT Health Belgium-Netherlands Round Table
By the end of 2023, the regulation of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) is expected to see the light, with significant implications for healthcare in Europe. By facilitating the secure exchange of health data across borders, the EHDS could improve patient outcomes enabling more efficient diagnosis and treatment, supporting research and creating new opportunities for innovation and economic growth in the European healthcare industry.
But are healthcare systems prepared for this regulation? How implementable is it? What capacities should healthcare systems create or strengthen to ensure that it will boost the full potential of health data for innovation, healthcare transformation and economic growth?
Organized by EIT Health Belgium-Netherlands, Round Table on the EHDS will focus on different dimensions for its full implementation. With the insights of 10 experts, the discussions will contribute to a pan-European, multi-stakeholder initiative leaded by EIT Health, with the support of the European Commission, to assess the readiness for EHDS regulation in EU regions and Member States, with a particular focus on the secondary use of health data for innovation.
Can I attend the Round Table event?
This Round Table event is open for everyone to follow online, only the panelist are at the event venue. If you want to follow the discussion, please register by filling in this form.
Participants in the Round Table discussion