About the i4Kids-Europe Pediatric Innovation Training  Capsules

i4Kids-Europe is a european project that aims at establishing an efficient, perdurable and inclusive European pediatric innovation ecosystem that integrates all pertinent stakeholders from emerging, moderate and strong innovator countries, offering the necessary services and resources to improve the pediatric innovation capacity of the EU countries. 
To tackle the identified gaps and barriers within the european pediatric ecosystem, we will provide 12 modules to decrease access barriers and reach a wide and diverse stakeholders.
Each module will focus on a specific identified challenge to provide the tools needed to take advantage of innovation opportunities in the pediatric field, including first-hand experiences from key actors of the European ecosystem.

Next training: 13th May 2024, 13:00-14:00

Capsule 5: Digital Devices in pediatrics: how to be successful in the reimbursement strategy

Reimbursement pathways has been identified as one of the most crucial barriers in Europe in the situation report and needs analysis published as i4KIDS-EUROPE. 
This session will delve into the lessons learned and key aspects of existing reimbursement pathways in Europe, such as DIGA and PECAN pathways, for achieving reimbursement. Special emphasis will be placed on offering guidance on how to navigate the reimbursement process effectively. By exploring these pathways and providing actionable insights, participants will gain valuable knowledge to overcome reimbursement challenges and accelerate access to innovative pediatric healthcare solutions.

Torsten Christann, an expert in reimbursement pathways at Digital Oxygen,  will shed light on how to navigate the existing reimbursement scheme in Europe.

Following this masterclass, we will open up a 15-minute Q&A session, providing the audience with the opportunity to exhange ideas. We look forward to an interactive and insightful discussion.

First-hand experiences of innovative pediatric start-ups

Women innovators and female leadership in pediatrics

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